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What to do when death happened

由富贵集团与国际著名易学大师罗一鸣联合推出, 集玄学与美学为一体的主题性典雅骨灰殿——【富鸣轩】, 位于五星级骨灰殿堂,富贵生命馆的全新楼层 The Sky之中。 其殿内设计结合了六大风水巧思, 上等的风水格局将为后代带来延绵不绝的福气、财气和好运气。 


Introducing the elegant columbarium suite, The Sky Suite 18, a collaboration between Nirvana Asia Group and internationally acclaimed Yi Jing expert, Master Louis Loh. Suite 18 is an elegant thematic columbarium that combines Chinese metaphysics and aesthetics, located on the new floor, The Sky, of the five-star, Nirvana Center Kuala Lumpur. The design of the columbarium suite combines six Feng Shui concepts, and the superior Feng shui layout will bring endless blessings, wealth and good fortune to future generations

富贵山庄(加叻)占地128英亩,以新中式的建筑风格为基础,配合天然地形设计, 加上园林式的自然环境以及依山傍水的风水格局,将建筑物与自然环境融为一体, 形成一幅如诗如画的景象。 微风轻拂,空气中弥漫着悦耳的鸟鸣声,宛如音乐般穿过静谧的环境,生动地展现 着大地蓬勃的生命力,让您远离都市的喧嚣与繁忙,享有片刻恬静与祥和的时光。


Spanning across 128 acres, Nirvana Memorial Park (Karak) showcases a fusion of neo-oriental architecture and natural landscape design. The harmonious blend of buildings and the surrounding environment, characterized by picturesque gardens and auspicious geomantic layout nestled against mountains and waters, creates a picturesque scenery. Gentle breezes caress the air, accompanied by the delightful chirping of birds, resembling a melodic symphony that permeates the serene surroundings. It vividly showcases the vitality of nature, allowing you to escape the hustle and bustle of the city and savour moments of tranquility and serenity

富贵山庄(依约)西湖桃源位于瓜拉雪兰莪依约(Ijok),这是富贵集团首创,也是全马第一座结合当代艺术与主题景观概念的墓园, 占地150英亩, 集结绝佳的天然地理设计,远离城市的喧嚣和繁杂,为挚亲提供极具福气的长眠之所。 

Nirvana Memorial Park (Ijok) located in Ijok, Kuala Selangor, this is the first memorial park in Malaysia to combine contemporary aesthetics with thematic landscaping design. It covers 150 acres of land and is designed to provide an eternal resting place for loved ones, away from the urban hustle and bustle of the city.

富贵山庄(莎亚南)宋城,是首个 现代宋式 全新设计骨灰殿,结合了以“雅”的匠心,“荣”的和谐的设计,轻奏出其间的意境与力量,进而筑出属于 宋城 的“艺术”之美,为富贵山庄(莎亚南)增添了全新风格设计的骨灰殿!

Nirvana Memorial Park (Shah Alam)'s Song Villa is the first brand-new, contemporary Song-style design columbarium. It combines "sophisticated" craftsmanship with the "glory" of harmonious design, lightly playing off the ambiance and strength and creating the beauty of "artistry" for the columbarium of Nirvana Memorial Park (Shah Alam)!

富贵山庄世外桃源的美丽地标 - 合川园之意,在于家和、团聚、团圆。


Semenyih The Garden, a beautiful landmark located in the paradise of Nirvana Memorial Garden.

The Garden represents family reunion, togetherness and harmony.

This is the place to unlock our treasured memories of loved ones, and to preserve and pass on the wisdom and wishes of those gone before. 

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